
Since the weather was supposed to be bad (a few mm of snow at lower altitudes), I decided I’d do a shorter, safer hike, and picked Bockmattli thanks to its sub-30 degree incline for most of the ascent, lower altitude, and proximity to another hike I had previously done but never gotten a good look from afar, Gross Aubrig. Up until the switchbacks between Bockmattli and Schiberg went without a hitch; a bit of mud and maybe a few cm of snow, but nothing too bad. The views of Gross Aubrig and Fluebrig coated in snow with the lush fields around Wägitalersee was quite a sight.

The storm blew in as I passed Bockmattlihütte. The switchbacks were covered in nearly knee-deep snow drifts at some sections, visibilty was down to near-zero, and the wind was ferocious. I had the foresight to get properly winterized boots and jackets, but not so much a balaclava/goggles or gaiters/softshell pants, and so with the combination of all the above + wet ankles and a cold face, I decided to turn around about where the path splits into two (and conveniently disappeared under snow drifts).

Gross Aubrig

Gross Aubrig from the hills above Innerthal.


Fluebrig from the hills above Innerthal.

Bockmattli and Bockmattlipass

Bockmattli Pass. The sky isn't looking so nice anymore...

Where is up

Snow starting to blow in a bit more aggressively. I appreciate how the rocks not being fully vertical makes getting a sense of orientation a little more difficult.

No visibility

Aaand time to turn around, no visibility and aggressive wind.

Previous footsteps almost erased

My own footsteps from not even a half hour ago, almost gone.

Bockmattli and Bockmattli pass obscured by clouds and snow

Same view as above, with significantly reduced visibility.

Fluebrig and Gross Aubrig

Fluebrig and Gross Aubrig are both be in this picture, somewhere.

Gross Aubrig below the clouds

The storm didn't stop, Innerthal and Gross Aubrig were just below it.

Bockmattli route map