I went home for Christmas and had a blast; orienteering, sledding, some minor injuries during said sledding, board games, catching up with the family, paying my respects to Boogles, Lord of the House, and so much more. Go-Go-Gadget, Photo-Dump:
May I present to you, the Lord Supreme of Houseterly Rock, Abby, also known as Abboo, Boogles, Booboo, Stinky, Stinku, Stinkus, Bingus, Stinky Bingus, Binky Stinkums, Chunkis, Chig Bunkus, and so many more.
I can't think of a clever caption. It's pretty.
Gosh I missed cheese curds. Absolutely a hot take, but in terms of cheese, cheddar is all I need to be happy.
I don't know how much I gained over Christmas. I don't want to think about it.
Goose propaganda.
A walk out in rural Quebec.
The path less traveled.
Probably not even a path anymore, in hindsight.
Pretty tree.
Lake nearby. Everything is so flat in contrast to Switzerland. Okay, a lake is a bad comparison, because water is pretty flat, especially when frozen, but my point stands for the images above.
If Doom 2016 ends up becoming reality, you now know who's to blame.