Boggle Nogs

Boggle Nogs is an alternative front-end to Hacker News which allows for ignoring submissions from certain websites or with titles containing specified strings.

A Boggle Nogs instance is currently live here.


I really like Hacker News. It's a great resource for wacky and insightful engineering and tomfoolery. I find myself getting sidetracked perhaps too often with the news articles that are submitted. They tend to garner a lot of attention and make it to the front page, and I don't leave the comment section feeling any better off (it's also telling that I don't read the articles myself).

So, Boggle Nogs, a front-end that can filter out content that I would otherwise find myself reading but not really getting anything out of.

And for you, it's whatever you'd like it to be. Ignore submissions from your arch-nemesis, shun the latest developments in the impending world takeover by frogs, or add


to your ignore-titles.txt file for the most sophisticated experience.